scenes from brooklyn

May 4, 2012
on the street

Brooklyn was a side of New York I didn't expect. In Williamsburg there were hardly any taxis, tourists only here and there, and throughout the day it was easy to find quiet.


home for the week

My room had big, wide-stretching windows so I always woke up with the sun.


After spending most of the day in Manhattan, everything just felt slower here. I found my new favorite restaurant, we spent the last night singing in the streets, and upon looking across the East River, the city felt worlds away.

lunch and a view


  1. i love the way you capture things, celeste. your view of the world is so so refreshing.

  2. lovely discriptions/photos. You have me dreaming of New York...especially Brooklyn. What a neat place.

  3. I can't wait to be in Brooklyn two weeks from today! So glad you enjoyed the borough :)
