a lakeside picnic

September 4, 2012
berries and figs Untitled montrose harbor bries aileen duck pretzel bread! twilight fondue
It's wonderful to see how something as simple as a picnic can brighten up a day.

It wasn't much, when you think about it: strawberries and figs, pretzel and seed-filled breads, chilled lambrusco, and a tiny chocolate fondue set.

It was something we were looking forward to since it'd been planned. When the time came, there was something special about knowing that we were exactly where we wanted to be.

lakeside picnic with the skyline

Plus, we got some sweet cityscaped-silhouette shots.


  1. This looks wonderful!!
    And it's true - how something as simple as a picnic can brighten up a day.

  2. the fondue photo is my favourite. lovely.

  3. That Brie and the last photo look amazing! First you've made me hungry, now I wanna hang out in your city!

  4. So glad I got to be a part of this! You're so right...it just felt as though we were meant to be there.
