zoo[logischer garten]

July 21, 2010
after my latin summer school program in bologna, i flew to berlin to stay with david for our last week in europe. before now, i've been to berlin/potsdam twice before- early april and then again in late june when i had just come back from the philippines. other than this post, however, i haven't written much about the stuff i've done here.

on sunday, david's aunt and the exchange student she hosted in california drove over to visit and we decided to spend the day at the zoo. zoologischer garten is a pretty lively area with its huge shopping street with FOUR H&M's (i'm not kidding you, there are 4 all on one street), the kaiser wilhelm memorial church and the endless döner shops. but up until sunday david and i had never been to the zoo so we spent the afternoon there.

before sunday, the last time i'd been to a zoo was at least 4 years ago at the san francisco zoo. seeing these amazing animals in person really reminds you of how incredible they are. my two favorite parts of the trip were seeing hippos up close (and seeing how the GIGANTIC creatures are so good at swimming) and also the fact that it was summer and most animals just had babies in the spring.


  1. I love Berlin Zoo and Berlin, I went with Uni and it really was great, I want to go back now :)

  2. great shots. makes me want to visit the zoo!

  3. Thanks for visiting my page! I was just in Berlin last month and although we spent a lot of time in the Zoologischer Garten-area (and the 4 H&Ms) we didn't get to see the zoo. I was so disappointed, but now it just gives us a reason to return. :)
