the welsh museum of life

May 3, 2010
after tintern abbey, our group stopped at
the welsh museum of life

this museum isn't like any museum i've ever seen before
it's all outdoors and it's got antique welsh buildings brought in from
a ton of different places. there are buildings like bakeries,
shoemakers, etc, etc

i didn't see many of those, though...
hiyabel and i ended up spending most of our time
at the castle and gardens

could you blame us?
i love wales and that their national flower is the daffodil.
it was like daffodil heaven


  1. your last picture is adorable!

  2. i LOVED that place too! totally neat-o! :P

  3. omg toooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful for words I want to go!! IT's so perfect!

  4. how breathtaking are these!? i love the yellow flowers and i couldn't love the photo of the sheep's anymore. great shots.

  5. Wow! Everything is so beautiful. I love the gate with the gold leaf...literally.
