copenhagen (part 2)

October 18, 2011
on the harbor

the colors!
Nyhavn. (pronounced new-hown)

I'm still surprised that a harbor as colorful as this exists. It was, of course, filled with tourists but it was pretty evident why. Everyone was so eager to remember these colorful 17th century buildings, the tall boats in the harbor and the epicenter of Copenhagen's charm. My favorite tourists were the adorable little boys on the dock (above) and an old Italian couple at the ice cream parlor.

I wanted to stay longer, to sit in a cafe and read alongside the harbor, but they sky turned a moody gray and before I knew it, it was pouring.


  1. I have loved your Denmark posts-beautiful photos! We have good friends in Arhus and Copenhagen-we've been twice and always wish we could stay longer (love the food and the simple style!).

  2. why don't they make them like this anymore???

  3. gorgeous pictures! i love europe.

  4. Beautiful photos. Especially the last one!

  5. SOO beautiful. gosh, what a trip!!! those cones look so good.

  6. Just stumbled onto your blog and I can't get over these pictures! I just moved to Sweden a few months ago and Copenhagen is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to go. You did a great job capturing the color and feel of the city!
